
Showing posts from July, 2015

Best Dressed in Westeros: Game of Thrones Fashion

So, I don't know if you know this, but I'm a pretty serious internet fashion commentator (translation: I once wrote a blog about Disney outfits; you should read it ). Now, I haven't really done any commentary in a while, but I have an excuse: I was watching Game of Thrones -- enough said. Anyway, now that season five is over, I have nothing to do for ten months except wait for the next season of Game of Thrones and dream about who's going to get the ax this time -- and comment on their clothes. I recently realized that I've commented on pretty much every aspect of Game of Thrones ( I have a whole separate blog about it ), but I've never really talked about the fashion. This seems like a huge oversight to me because Game of Thrones is both a triumph of costuming and a complete fashion failure -- depending on which character you're talking about. Thus I've decided to present you a list of the best dressed in Westeros (from worst to best). The Sand

The Loch Ness Monster Strikes Back

Here's what I want to know: why is it acceptable for people to go on the internet and deny the existence of the Loch Ness Monster and then turn around and say that the plot of Jurassic Park is possible ? As much as I would like a pet triceratops, it seems as though science has pretty successfully disproved the plot of Jurassic Park . (Let's all take a minute to shed a tear for the live-action version of Land Before Time that will never happen). The Loch Ness Monster, however, is totally real. Seriously, raptors that can open doors? That seems a little far fetched, don't you think? The idea of a modern day dinosaur just doesn't have the down-to-earth veracity of a slimy, cold blooded lake monster living in a cold and slimy lake. BTW,  I say slimy, cold blooded lake monster in the most loving way possible. In fact, I'm good friends with Nessie.  May I take a moment to remind you all that Nessie wrote into this very blog seven months ago? Actually, for that matter