
Showing posts from November, 2012

Breaking Dawn: Cool Story Bro

So, last night I saw Breaking Dawn part 2. Now, normally, this would be where I would be all "warning: contains spoilers"; but, I'm not going to say that because, if you're a real Twilight fan, I figure you'll see it anyway, no matter what I say. Besides, if you're a real fan, you were probably at the midnight premier and you read the books, so you know what happens anyway. So, it doesn't even matter, and, if you're not a fan, then you definitely don't care. Personally, I'm in the category of people who appreciate the Twilight films for the works of comedy that they are. She does not look like a child But there were a few things were just really weird. First of all, baby Renesmee did not look like a baby. You would think that one ultra-hot vampire and a supposedly attractive human would be able to produce a baby that did not look like a martian squirrel. I mean, I understand that she's a special baby and she grows quickly but that d

I Fail at Tetris

So, last night my best friend and I were discussing things we were bad at; she was talking about how she was bad at driving (come on, it was only one little chihuahua) and how she needed to relearn how to park and I was just like "you know what, I really suck at Tetris". This is what happens to me This may sound a little trivial, but it's no laughing matter. It's really a wake up call when you're sitting in the back of the classroom and you look at the people sitting in front of you and the entire class is on their laptops, winning at Tetris. I mean, I don't know how my eleventh grade Spanish class got through Spanish 3, but they destroyed in Tetris!  Not like Tetris is a game that you can actually win at (this should probably be it's own blog because there's a whole class of games that you can't win at, you can only lose at and I think it's bad for the self-esteem of America's youth), this is part of my problem with it. I think I

I'm on that Strugglebus

So, as you may or may not know, this month I decided to do NaNoWriMo. NaNoWriMo, for those who are not writing nerds, is National Novel Writing Month. The goal is to write a novel of fifty thousand words in thirty days, which equals roughly 1,700 word a day. I'm on the strugglebus. As it stands, I have 21,315 words, which means that I'm almost 4,000 words behind. I don't know why I thought it would be a good idea to try to balance 16 credits, 8 hours of sleep a night, and 50,000 words; I mean, something's got to give. It's not like I haven't written novels before; if you count my "book" of poems, I am the author of 10 novels (or, at least, manuscripts). But, even when I have a lot of free time, It usually takes me at least two or three months to complete a manuscript. Thirty days? Preposterous! Clearly, sleep is not going to happen this Thanksgiving break. But actually, when I finish this blog, I'm going to go write 4,000 words. -_- I'

Growing Experiences

So, today, my friend and I were talking about how much we had grown since we entered college; the discussion ended with us deciding to get Tamagotchi Connection version 2 for each other this Christmas. Oh yes, it's been a growing experience. Now, I know what you're thinking - it's too great of a responsibility, it takes the attention span of a fifth grader to keep one of those things alive; we are doomed to failure! And yet, and yet, we have accepted the challenge of caring for a chicken-nugget shaped, digitally animation creature/animal/thing for as long as it takes for the battery to die or for us to lose interest (which means a maximum of one month). But actually, Tamagotchi Connection taught me a lot of important life lessons: feed your pets, go to sleep at a reasonable hour, etc., etc., responsibility, child-rearing, things of that nature. Which is why I think it would do a lot of college students a lot of good to look back on their elementary school roots and why

I Have an Eyeshadow Problem

So, today I watched Jenna Marble s' new video on YouTube in which she discusses her lack of understanding of her own gender and her addiction buying lip gloss, shampoo, and cosmetics in general. I was feeling pretty good about myself because hey, I'm no addict, I don't have a problem. With lip gloss. Yes, I must confess, I am an eyeshadow addict. It started out innocently, with two palettes of normal, every day eyeshadow colors. But slowly, it has spiraled out of control. I mean, how many eyes do I think I have? Two? Because I'm pretty sure that I have enough eyeshadow to cover every eyelid on planet earth - and some on the planet mars. I cannot go into a store that sells eyeshadow without coming out with a least one new color. Of course, like any addict, I justify this to myself: Oh, it's on sale, I would be stupid not to buy some , or, it's a powder, so it never goes bad, so I might as well , or my favorite: I don't have this color yet . News flash to me

Florida Annoys Me

So, I was looking at the election map this morning and I noticed that Florida is the only state that hasn't decided yet, now, that doesn't surprise me (cough, 2000 election, cough), but it does annoy me. Obviously, it dosen't matter now and everything is pretty much decided, but I mean Alaska was the last state to finish polling and swung for Romney like 10 minutes after their polls closed. But actually, New Jersey is underwater and Staten Island doesn't have electricity and they still managed to vote. So yeah, the Sunshine State needs to get their stuff together. Florida annoys me. I mean, the weather, the heat, the humidity, the rain, the tropical storms, and the hurricanes; is it sunny, is it thundering? Make up your mind! Plus, ever since NASA moved to Florida no one can say, "Houston, we have a problem."  "Orlando, we're in some trouble", just doesn't have the same ring to it. Which brings me to my real concern, Flo Rida. It rece

Serious Thoughts: Harry Frickin' Potter

So, today, in English, we were discussing books that have impacted our lives and someone brought up Harry Potter. Now, for me, most of my English class, and most Americans born in the 1990s, Harry Potter has had a tremendous impact. Mostly, because, well, it's Harry Frickin' Potter. I mean, It's basically the largest cultural phenomenon in the past fifteen-ish years. That's why it bothers me when people are like, "oh, Harry Potter, that's just for kids, it could never happen, it's so dumb". Well. First of all, if everything that "could never happen" is invalidate then I guess we can disregard most abstract philosophy, the Communist Manifesto, and every alien film that's ever been made, which makes me really, because, you know, Independence Day, Men in Black, and Will Frickin' Smith. Secondly, you don't have to be a kid to appreciate Harry Potter. In English class, we often discuss significant details and allusions in books and