
Showing posts from 2019

I Bought a Banana Plant Online

I recently took on a very big and serious responsibility: I bought a banana plant online. Now, if you think that's over the top, it definitely is. But, if you ask me if it was a necessary purchase, I would say it definitely was. Like there's nothing to cheer you up like a banana plant on your coffee table (except maybe a million dollars on your coffee table, but I'm not holding my breath for that one). Now, I know what you're thinking, "you live in Pennsylvania, what on Earth are you doing with a banana plant?" Obviously, I'm not going to grow it outside because, you know, it's COLD here. I bought a dwarf variety of banana that only grows to four feet tall, which means I can keep it inside. Anyway, my banana plant is named Liam and he is the crown jewel of my plant family. Well, he's the crown jewel for now. I just ordered a kumquat tree, and I'm thinking of buying a lemon tree or a bat flower next. I started down this road about a

Writing a Resume for My Cat

A Very Professional Cat So, about ten months ago, I adopted a cat. Her name is Pepper Potts, and she is a very busy cat. She's always industriously getting herself stuck in the pantry or trying to crawl into the fireplace. Anyway, her vet office just announced that they're running a costume contest for Halloween. I was chatting to my friend about how I was planning to enter Pepper into the contest, and I jokingly said that I hoped she would win because then I could put it on her resume. We had a good chuckle about that, but then I thought "wait a minute, Pepper should have a resume!" I mean, Pepper has skills. She has experience! She's definitely employable. I mean, she doesn't have thumbs, but, other than that, there's nothing stopping her from getting any job she wants. Plus, today is her birthday, and she's going to be three-years-old, which means she should probably get out into the workforce (you know, so she can start a 401K and all that j

What's the Point of a Live Action Lion King?

Okay, so I feel like something needs to be said about this topic. Yesterday, I happened to be at my local movie theatre, and the line of people trying to buy tickets to the live action version of the Lion King was around the block. Now, I like the Lion King as much as the next millennial, but I have a problem with this because there is literally no reason to make a "live action" Lion King. I mean, come on, I can't be the only person who thinks this. Like, what is the point of doing a live action version if they're not going to use real lions? (Not that I want them to use real lions; can you imagine how disastrous that would be?) All I'm saying is, if they're going to CGI the lions, why not stick with the original version of the movie? CGI is a form of animation. So, they're really just re-animating and animated movie. Again, I ask you, what's the point of that? (I mean, aside from money, of course. We all know that the real reason they're rem