I Bought a Banana Plant Online

I recently took on a very big and serious responsibility: I bought a banana plant online.

Now, if you think that's over the top, it definitely is. But, if you ask me if it was a necessary purchase, I would say it definitely was. Like there's nothing to cheer you up like a banana plant on your coffee table (except maybe a million dollars on your coffee table, but I'm not holding my breath for that one).

Now, I know what you're thinking, "you live in Pennsylvania, what on Earth are you doing with a banana plant?" Obviously, I'm not going to grow it outside because, you know, it's COLD here. I bought a dwarf variety of banana that only grows to four feet tall, which means I can keep it inside.

Anyway, my banana plant is named Liam and he is the crown jewel of my plant family.

Well, he's the crown jewel for now. I just ordered a kumquat tree, and I'm thinking of buying a lemon tree or a bat flower next.

I started down this road about a year ago when I became obsessed with house plants, and, when I say I'm obsessed with house plants, I mean I have at least fifty plants in my living room right now. THAT is the kind of obsessed we're talking about. As you can imagine, I've now acquired all of the plants that I want that are avalible around here.

Seriously, my wallet started to be in serious danger when I a) learned that you can buy plants online, which is also how I got myself onto a waiting list for a monkey puzzle tree seedling (yes, I know I'm extra) and b) I realized you can grow tropical fruit as house plants, which means that I'm now starting a small fruit farm in my dining room and nobody can tell me otherwise. So, in two or three years, watch out for me because I'll have a bunch of bananas all ready to eat.

True, I don't actually like bananas, but that's just details, right?

Just sayin'

(By the way, I filmed myself unboxing my banana plant; I'll include the video here).


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