Facebook Asks Rather Vapid Questions

So, as I'm sure you've all noticed, Facebook has recently taken it upon itself to ask, vapid, silly little questions in an attempt to encourage people to update their statuses more often. Facebook, as a person who updates their status about three times a year, I refute you. Your seemingly well intentioned "what's happening, Maria?" is just a clever ploy to gather more demographic information that you can sell to your advertisers. I see past your sleek, new format, and entertaining pirate lingo setting, and what I see are vapid, insidious little questions. Facebook, you're all "How are you feeling, Maria?" and I'm all "I'm on to you, Facebook, I'm on to you".

Perhaps, I would be more apt to update my status if you actually asked me an interesting,  thought provoking question like: "what's your favorite play by Shakespeare?" or, "how do you feel about the new rainbow mentos?" (FYI: Richard III and I have mixed feelings because the watermelon flavor is actually kind of gross). So, without further ado, I present you with a list of thought provoking, controversy sparking questions that Facebook could/should be asking the general public.

1) Where have all the good handlebar mustaches gone?
2) Do you want to buy the world a Coke? 
3) Do you think Professor Snape got what was coming to him?
4) Does Mulan count as a Disney Princess?
5) Did the third Spiderman film ruin the franchise?
6) At what point does Leonardo DiCaprio cease to be attractive?
7) Are ankle socks practical or frustrating?
8) Who is your king of choice in Game of Thrones?
9) Are you more likely to trust someone with a British accent?
10) Does listening to Green Day make you feel like a teenage rebel?
11) Are Slytherins all bad?
12) Humans or zombies?
13) Does a Lannister always pay his debts? 
14) To be or not to be?
15) Do you believe left handed people deserve equal rights or should scissors be for right handed people alone?
16) Is it socially acceptable to wear corduroy pants?
17) Is it okay to write poems about toes?
18) Are you watching too much HBO?
19) What is your Patronus?
20) Is the penny a worthwhile form of currency?
21) Did it hurt your feelings when Pluto was demoted from planet status?
22) Did you know that Pterodactyls don't exist and, if so, how do you feel about that?
23) How do you get to Never Land? 
24) Why are elephants so adorable?
25) Does Facebook have the right to ask you all these questions?

These are the questions that need to be answered.
Just sayin'


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