I Have a Suspicion That Dorian Gray is a Vampire

So, right now in my English class we're reading The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde and let me tell you something, I think Dorian Gray is a vampire. I mean, if there can be a Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, certainly there can be a Picture of Dorian Gray and Vampires, right?

Anyway, there's tons of proof. Like, we know that Dorian Gray does all these horrible, scandalous things towards the middle of the book, but we're never told what they are. For all we know, he's out biting people! That's why everyone is so suspicious and wary of him. Maybe that's what really happened to Sibyl Vane O_o. Also, there's blood on the portrait, which is supposed to be a visual representation of his conscience, so, I don't know, put two and two together. Plus, I don't think we ever actually see Dorian eat normal food.

And of course, most obviously, he doesn't age. Like seriously! If that doesn't spell vampire, I don't know what does; besides, he's completely beautiful too, just like normal, blood sucking demons of the night (cough, cough Twilight). Also, in the last chapter, someone describes Dorian as being  "made of ivory and gold", I mean, paging Dr. Cullen? Young, beautiful, and immortal, who does that sound like to you?

Now, I know what you're thinking? How can Dorian Gray be a vampire without fangs. Well, maybe they're retracted, or maybe he lost his fangs. Like those vampires in Juno.

Just sayin'


  1. Nice ideas also the paintings containing people's souls are found throughout vampiric folk lore, because of the eternity of beauty in art


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