Aliens are Afraid of Will Smith

So, since I wrote about Jurassic Park last week, I thought I'd talk about one of my other favorite movies, Independence Day. Now a lot of people think that Independence Day is just an action, patriotism movie about the power of the human spirit and what you can accomplish if you set your mind to it, but it's about so much more than that. It's about Will Smith killing aliens.

Sure, it's a great 'Murica moment when the president rallies the fighter pilots and they go in guns a-blazing to shot down the alien's space ship, but when Will Smith's plane gets shot down over the desert and he just pops out of the smoking wreckage and starts beating on that alien, that's what makes the movie. I mean, there are a lot of great characters in Independence Day, but Will Smith's character, Steve, is definitely the clincher. Like, he gets shot out of the sky, beats up an alien, then drags it for miles across the desert, and then goes on to learn to fly a UFO, who does that? Will Smith.

Not to say that it isn't a great movie in other regards. I mean, apparently, there's something very appealing about mass destruction because, in New York City gets destroyed at least three times a year in movies. I guess a lot of those movies are directed by people who always end up in rush hour traffic. However, Will Smith and all the Will Smith related characters deal with this quite well. Like, Los Angeles gets destroyed and Will Smith just sort of frowns.

I mean, I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Whenever, Will Smith is in a movie, he's always saving the planet. I mean, you've got Independence Day, the Men in Black franchise (he must have saved the world at least a million times in those movies), I Am Legend, and Hancock. So, basically, Will Smith is a superhero/fighter pilot, who is also the last human on earth, and beats up aliens in his spare time.

If I was an alien, I would be afraid of him too.

Just sayin'


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