Realer than Real Life: HD TV is Cool

So, a few days ago I was over at a friends house and we were watching Captain America (for the win); they had a really high definition television and the picture was so real. Of course, this is coming from a person who watches all her videos from a laptop screen or the sort of TV's that still have glass on the front and wouldn't know a flat screen if it bit them, but it was just a really weird experience.

I mean, it was so high def, that it almost looked realer than real life. Like, it was so real, that one of my friends thought the video was animated. Animated. I just couldn't get over it. It looked like it was in four dimensions or something, either that or the real world is actually two-dimensions and the HD  world is three-dimensions and no one told me. It reminds me of when I got new glasses a few months ago and suddenly, colors were brighter and everything had depth. It really helped with my tendency to walk into door frames. Well, that's what it was like to watch that TV; after that, everything was sort of like 'eh, that looks pretty fake'.

Anyway, I'm telling you this because it got me thinking, if they can make TV in HD, what are they going to make HD next? Pretty soon, they'll be HD shoes and HD shirts and HD pets or HD tacos. It'll be out of control! I mean, what else could be HD? Could there be shampoo that makes your hair HD, could there be make up to make your face HD? Like, my concern is that, at some point, real life is just going to become 'eh, we'd rather be watching HD television'. Like, at what time should scientists stop improving? I think it's the point where man-made television becomes more realistic than real life. That's just not right. What's next? Holographic, 3-D, life size HD television?

They should just get it over with and make HD glasses that make everything else HD.

Just sayin'


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