Weird Fandom Cross-Overs

So, I stumbled upon this picture the other day. As a Slytherin, I was kind of disturbed to have Roose Bolton on my house's quidditch team (but I like Margaery and Oberyn, so that's okay). Also, it's kind of weird to see Lannisters wearing green. It kind of makes me uncomfortable (not because they don't behave like Slytherins, but because their colors are red and gold which, ironically, are Gryffindor colors - the Lannisters are so not Gryffindors).

But, anyway, the point is, I had no idea of the wild, weird world of Fandom Cross-Overs that was brewing right underneath the surface of my Tumblr account, and, actually, I'm not sure how I feel about it. I mean, I'm okay when they're making fun of Twilight, but sometimes, like, I just get confused. 

Like, for example, you have no idea how long it took me to figure these out. Like, not that it's not cool that Tonks is on Game of Thrones; it's just one of those moments where your brain implodes, like it does when you realize that a snail without a shell is actually a slug (but actually, that really freaked me out). I mean, I like David Tennent as much as the next person (I modeled my choice of glasses frames after him) but, sometimes, I don't need it pointed out to me that he was also Barty Crouch Jr. I don't know about you, but I was terrified of Barty Crouch as a child. I don't want to associate him with the Doctor. The whole cross-over thing is really messing with my mind.

Like, Dany and Robert can't play on the same Quidditch team; Robert wanted to kill her and she calls him "the Usurper". Not to mention that Jaime killed Dany's father and Jaime's son killed Arya's father and Jaime himself pushed her brother out a window; it's just a big tangled mess of pericide and quaffle slinging. And Aegon can't be the coach, he's dead!

Obviously, this is all very confusing for me. Like, don't get me wrong; I'm a big fan of both Harry Potter and A Song of Ice and Fire, but each series occupies a unique space in my mind. They just don't mix. Mostly because Stannis and Robb can't both be chasers. They should be beaters so that they could kill each other with clubs. Also, no one gets along with the Hound. He's not a team player. Besides, Beric Dondarrion shouldn't be doing anything athletic, he's been dead 6 times - that's five times more than anyone else in the whole series! I think that if you die that many times, you should just sit quietly for a while and think things through. 

So, basically, what I'm trying to say is that the characters of A Song of Ice and Fire shouldn't play sports because none of them like each other and they have a lot of issues to work out, like dying more than once in a day. Also, I never realized how much Harry Potter and Frodo look alike. I wonder if Daniel Radcliffe has hairy feet too.

That's okay, Frodo, I get confused too.

Just sayin'


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