Facebook Needs a Vampire Emote

An open letter to Facebook,

So, the other day I was talking to one of my friends on Facebook chat and I was telling her that I had just aquired a bag of Werther's Caramels and I thought, wouldn't it be great if Facebook had a vampire emote. Because, when you're sitting in your office with a big bag of candy, the only way to really express how you feel is with a smiling, vampire emoticon.

I think it's shameful that there isn't a vampire emote.

If there's a shark emote, penguin emote, robot emote, devil emote, a whole new page of cat emotes, and a Christopher Putnam emote, there should be a vampire emote. I think it would serve a desperate need. I mean, as a person who lives in Pennsylvania where the sun only shines in brief intervals between rain storms, a vampire emote is the perfect way to express how sunshine makes me feel. The sun, it burns. And I don't want to even go in to how many times a day garlic and silver come up in Facebook conversations!

And what do vampires do when they're talking to other vampires on Facebook. Like what does Edward Cullen say to Bella on Facebook chat when he wants to go grab some mountain lion? I suppose he could say 'hey Bella, want to go get some mountain lion?', but it's just easier to send someone a vampire emote. Because, I'm sure vampires have vampire-ish emotions that just can't be expressed with normal emoticons. For example, how would you say 'I'm Dracula and I want to your drink blood' with a picture. It's sort of difficult, but a smiling vampire emoticon would probably do it. Of course, to fully satisfy the need, you would also need a frowning vampire, a bloody vampire, a winking vampire, a sunglasses vampire, and a O_o vampire. Only then will you be able to convey the full range of vampire-y emotions.

And, if you got an emote the color of milk with hair like a tsunami wave and a Scottish accent, then you'd truly get the idea of what it means to be Edward Cullen.

Just sayin'


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