I'm Collecting Rewards Cards

Apparently, I am on a personal mission to put as many things on my key chain as possible. I'm not quite sure how it started; I used to be one of those people had like two keys on their key ring. Now, my key ring is quite possibly bigger than my head (okay, that may be a bit of an exaggeration). I think my problem was that I kept forgetting my keys or locking them into things, so I just started making them as unforgettable and bulky and impossible to ignore as possible.

I've been quite successful thus far.

For a while, I tried to acquire as many keys as possible. However, I sort of ran into a wall with this because after house keys, car keys, and work keys, you sort of run out of things to acquire keys to. And, for some reason, other people are often very reluctant to give you their keys so that you can have more things on your key ring. After that, I tried getting fun key chains, but that sort of ends when you realize that those two words are sort of oxymoronic. I did however put my turtle key chain from Boston on my keyring and that's jazzed things up significantly.

But, most recently, I've been going after rewards cards. Like, I am that person out shopping who, if the cashier offers them some sort of card, is just like 'yeah, sure, I'll take it'. Some people are all like 'I want no rewards cards ever in the whole world'! I used to be one of those people, but then I realized that, usually, these reward cards come with a little mini card for your key chain. And that changed everything. Now, I go into stores, even if I'm not buying anything, and walk up to the cashier and am all like 'do you have a rewards card' and they're all like 'um...no'.

I come from a long line of reward card collectors. My mom, for example, has a separate key ring just for her rewards cards. Like, seriously, she has like 50 cards, mostly for stores she never visits. It's like 'I'm not sure why you have a Walgreens card because I'm pretty sure that there isn't a Walgreens anywhere in the state of Pennsylvania'. I am going to be that person. I'm already planning for it; I'm like, 'okay, I have to get a Petco card, a CVS card, a Giant card, a Kohls card, a Macy's card, an Aeropostale card, and...'. Like, never mind that out of all of those stores, Giant is the only one I visit regularly (although, I really need no encouragement to buy stuff at Kohls); seriously, I think I've been to Aero like once in my entire life. And, of course, the retailers that reward cards would be the most useful for don't have them. Like, Wal-Mart, Target, Vera Bradley, Amazon, and Dairy Queen all need to create reward cards right NOW.

But, mostly, I just want a Dairy Queen rewards card. I think I would make good use of that.

Just sayin'


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