Getting Rid of Your Meal Points: How to Spend $80 on Ice Cream

So, as you probably know I am about to finish my first year at college and I have discovered that there is no way to succede with campus meal points. You either run out two weeks before the end of the semester and starve or end up with three hundred dollars worth of meal points to spend in three days before they expire. Unfortuantely, or perhaps fortunately, I ended up with the later.

About two weeks ago, I realized that I had to spend about three hundred dollars before I moved out of my dorm. Now, ordinarily, spending three hundred dollars on short notice isn't a problem for me, but there are only so many bottles of Diet Pepsi one can buy before one wants to barf.

I really tried my best to spend it. I bought meals for my roommate who was out of meal points, I bought grande frappachinos at Starbucks, I treated my friends to iced coffee, and I bought myself a life supply of easy mac and applesauce cups (of course, since I bought easy mac I also had to buy ketchup because, let's face it, I have odd eating habits).

Even after all of that, I still had like a hundred dollars to spend, so what did I do? I bought ice cream. Eighty dollars later, both my refrigerator and freezer are full of ice cream. For the record, eighty dollars translate to about six gallons of ice cream, half a gallon of lemonade, half a gallon of orange juice, a pint of lemon sherbert, and about twenty or thirty of those little fudge and vanilla ice cream cups.

I've allocated about four months to eat it all.

Now I only have twenty more dollars to spend.

Just sayin' 


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