People will Stampede You for Used Books

So, the other day I was at the annual AAUW used book sale in my town and let me tell you something, people will commit murder for a one dollar copy of A Game of Thrones. Of course, I've been to this particualr used book sale before, and I've been to other used book sales in the past, but I don't think I've ever gone to the first day of the sale before. Don't get me wrong; I'm an English major, I love to read; I love books, but this isn't just a few boxes of books at the local library. This book sale is held at the Ag Arena, which is this great big building where they have cow shows and stuff. I mean, people start lining up outside at six o'clock in the morning with big, cardboard boxes and shopping carts!

Anyway, I ended up getting some really great books, like normal, but I practically got trampled trying to find a copy of The Lord of the Rings. I think the big problem was that there were just too many people. I swear there must have been like six or seven hundred people crammed together in there. It was soooo hot! It was probably like fifty degrees outside and ninety degrees inside And since there wasn't much space between tables, everyone was always trying to squeeze past the people who were looking at books. Not to mention that everyone was either carrying around five of those reusable shopping bags (guilty), a big cardboard box, or one of those collapsible shopping carts. Note, those shopping carts also make great weapons if you want to push someone away from a hard cover copy of Jurassic Park.

Another thing I noticed is that the people who run the book sale store boxes of books under the tables so that they can re-stock when one table runs out; this is a good idea - that is, until people start crawling under the tables to get first crack at the books. Then you get random pairs of legs sticking out from under tables and people start tripping and it's just all very bad. Then, of course you have to find some unoccupied corner of floor so that you can sit down and sort through your books and find out how much money you're spending and then people step on you and stuff.

Anyway, I guess the point is that no one stampedes you for a copy of Trimalchio novel at Barnes and Noble (guilty, guilty, guilty, but I ended up getting it, so all's well that ends well). All is fair in love and used book sales. 

Just sayin'


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