The Targaryen Restoration: My Predictions for a Song of Ice and Fire

But anyway, I'm already totally convinced that that is what's going to happen in the series. I've worked it all out already. I have a very intricate plot plan that I'm convinced the books are going to follow. Let me explain:
Firstly, Daenerys is going to convince Khal Jhaqo's Khalasar to come back with her to Meereen and their going to like slaughter the Yunkai. In the confusion, Tyrion and Jorah and Penny will escape and sneak into the city and Dany will meet them and she and Tyrion will become like BFFs. Next, Tyrion will tell her about her nephew, Aegon, and then Dany will decide that's its the perfect time to conquer Westeros and she will take all of the Yunkish ships and put all the Dothraki on the ships and they'll sail off to help Aegon.
Meanwhile, in the Seven Kingdoms, Cersei will be totally screwing things up because that's what she does best, Jaime will be off on some sort of adventure with undead Brianne, and the sand snake chick will be doing her best to totally destroy the Lannister-Baratheon monarchy, which is really just the Lannister-Lannister monarchy. Of course, everyone in the capital will be trying to figure out what to do about Aegon's invasion and probably settle on doing nothing productive because, you know, Cersei is in charge and that would make too much sense. Maybe, Varys will go join Aegon and help him out. And, of course, the Tyrells will be up to something because, when your sigil is a flower, you're bound to have a chip on your shoulder. Meanwhile, up in the Eyrie, I predict things will be getting pretty hot and heavy between Sansa and Littlefinger.
Speaking of the Stark sisters, I'm not really sure what's going to happen to Arya because I don't really read her chapters, I just sort of skim them. But, I think she's definitely going to come back to Westeros and find her wolf, Nymeria. Then, I think the two of them are going to go rogue and start killing people (by people, I mean hopefully Cersei and her ilk). Perhaps, when everything is over, she'll go back home to the North.
While we're on the subject, in the North, Davos is going to find Rickon and bring him to the Manderlys, who are going to start a rebellion against the Boltons and help Stannis reconquer Winterfell and make Rickon Lord Stark. Meanwhile, Bran will be up north, talking to birds or something and doing nothing very interesting; but, I'm sure he'll come back into the story again before the end.

Also, I think that, somewhere in there, Gendry is going to come back into the story. I think the Brotherhood without Banners is going to make him king for like fifty seconds and then some dragon is going to come along and eat him.
Oh well, all's well that ends well.
Just sayin'
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