I Blog a Lot/ Updates

So, I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but I blog a lot.

Recently one of my friends told me that she was going to start writing weekly book reviews, so, because I'm such a blog-osaurus, I was like "oh, I have to do that too!". Anyway, long story short, I decided that I wanted to put my book reviews on a seperate page from the rest of my blog. However, because blogger can't make anything simple and they had to make the whole 'add pages' thing complicated, I decided to create a new blog.  Introducing Just Readin' , a blog in which I review books and geek out over other literary things. Speaking of all things literary, I also contribute to a blog about writing called In Your Write Mind (it's a pun!).

So, I now have a series of independent blogs, all twisted together in a blob of gooey, blog-y goodness, linked together by a complicated web of stringy blog-ness and the clever use of hyper links (or not so clever because, if I was really clever, I would have figured out a better way of doing this).

Anyway, I'm going to try to post on Just Readin' a least once a week, so check it out. I picked the title because, you know, branding and stuff. Also coming soon, Just Sleepin', Just Thinkin' About Eatin' Ice Cream, Just Existin', and Just Tryin' to Come Up with Another thing to Blog About. Just kidding (although that last one was kind of catchy).

Just sayin'


  1. Yay puns! Also, I think you should write a blog about eating ice cream.

  2. Lol, puns. I wrote a blog about eating ice cream last summer, but I could write another one :)


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