The New Season of True Blood Actually Isn't Horrible

So, recently I was catching up on the new season of True Blood (season 6) and, I have to say, it's actually not horrible. Weird, right? After the disaster that was season 5, I was expecting season 6 to be as much fun as a barrel full of monkeys on crack, but it's actually much better than the last two seasons. And the previews for the new episodes look really promising.

I think what happened to make season 5 so unpopular was that the creator's of the show got too bogged down in the whole 'Authority' plot, which no one liked. I mean, people don't watch True Blood to see how vampires interact with each other, they watch True Blood to see how vampires interact with humans. That's the point of the show. Season 4 wasn't as bad as season 5, but a lot of people disliked it because of the weird, witch plot that seemed kind of weird and forced and because, after Eric got his memories back, he turned into Mr. Sensitive. No one wants a sensitive Eric; the public wants an Eric who eats people and breaks faces and laughs like a frickin' maniac. That's what we pay for HBO for.

Anyway, season 6 has, thus far, been like a whole new show. Firstly, Eric is back to being his normal, vampire-y self. He's kidnapping governor's daughters and turning people and infiltrating secret facilities. It's all jump rope and butterscotch as far as I'm concerned. Jason is also being all tough and cool; I love the idea of him going under cover to save Jess and the other vampires. So, all and all, I like where this is going. The whole, vampires vs. humans war is something that's been building since season 2, so it's really nice to see it coming to fruition.

Even Sookie is back to her old, vampire killing, fairy light zapping ways. In True Blood, Sookie has, what I like to call, her arc of awesomeness. In the first season, she starts out kind of low in terms of awesomeness. Not that first season Sookie isn't my favorite, but she's a little too much of a goody two shoes. Anyway, by the second season, she's well on her way to becoming the Sookie we know and love. She's rescuing vampires and defeating Maenads and saving the town. But season 3 is really where she reaches her peak of awesomeness, with the scene where she pours Talbot's remains down the drain and gives her evil, fairy laugh. Yeah, you don't get to be much more of a beast than that. After that, she sort of declines all through season four and five and then, in season six she threatening to fairy-blast Warlow and kicking Eric out of her house. So, I guess it's more of a McDonald's arches of awesomeness, but still.

The only thing I don't like is the werewolf plot. Don't get me wrong, on the whole, I'm very pro-werewolf. But it's kind of disappointing because Alcide started out all nice and sweet and then his character went completely down the toilet and started eating people! That's totally out of order! The whole 'Bilith' plot is pretty weird too. Like, there wasn't enough weird, supernatural stuff going on without there being a vampire god. I hope he falls on a stake.

Just sayin'

Update: I just saw the new episode of True Blood - stuff just got real, guys. I love Eric pretending to be the guard and Bill ripping off the governor's head. These humans are messing with the wrong vampires. Though, I'm not sure how I feel about the whole Sookie/Warlow relationship. It was pointed out to me that, if they get together, we can call them Solo, which makes things a little better. 


  1. I know right?!

    Season 6 really redeem the show for the boring and mediocre Season 5. Being my fav show, I am really glad that we will have a seventh season and that season will be returning to the show's original routes, as said by the Director Buckner.

    Also, the viewership of the show is still brilliant especially if you take into account that they are not using the books anymore and the vampire trend/mania is fading out. The show is still the second most viewed (active) show of HBO (after Game of Thrones which I want to watch as well, I saw at one of your posts you like that show as well, is it really good?). I mean, the average viewership for the TRUE BLOOD seasons are:

    S1-> 2.00m
    S2-> 4.28m
    S3-> 4.97m
    S4-> 4.97m
    S5-> 4.67m
    S6-> 4.27m (prediction based on the performance of the show until ep8)
    S7-> 3.87m (prediction)

    So, if I add that the next most viewed show of HBO is BOARDWALK EMPIRE with less than 3m average viewers and provided that:

    a)the TRUE BLOOD actors will renew their contracts,
    b)the writers have something good on their minds,
    c)HBO is renewing its shows based on viewership,
    d)viewership will keep declining at the same rate,

    then we will most likely have an 8th season (3.47m predicted viewers are still too many, especially if the next most viewed show provide you less than 3m, don't you think?). I would even dare to say (with my a-d hypothesis) there is a slight little chance to even have a 9th season (3m predicted viewers). After all, the books are 13, there are plenty of ideas to use.

    Oh well, *crossfingers*.

    Peace out, 'till next time!

    1. Yes, I really hope there is an 8th season. Even though the show hasn't been as good as it has been in the past, it's still one of my favorite shows. You should give Game of Thrones a try; it's great.

    2. Yes, I agree. But the director promised a classic S7 so I believe we may see the show shining again. After all, there are no shows able to maintain their tone for more than 3-4 seasons, they tend to change or evolve to something else but it still is my fav show.

      And yes, I will give Game of Thrones a try soon, I have a couple of friends who are obsessed with it and they say it is awesome.

      I also want to begin American Horror Story, Person of Interest, Fringe and Supernatural. Watching any of these?

    3. I saw Supernatural once, but it was a little too scary for me.

  2. In “Who Are You, Really?” the premiere of True Blood season 6 dvd , we get one semi-major death, a coupla big entrances (ack! — it’s The Hitcher!), a werewolf ménage à trois and the perfect new nickname for the post-Lilith merger Bill: Billith. (Well done on that one, Pam. As usual.) So what do you say? Shall we dive in?
    Take heart -- or at least a vein -- " True Blood season 6 dvd " devotees; true blood Season 6 dvd of the HBO game of thrones season 4 dvd vampire series will return June 16 at 9 p.m.


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