Best of Wrock

So, a genre of music that I don't think gets enough attention is Wrock. For those of you who don't know, Wrock is Wizard Rock - music based off of Harry Potter. And, despite what you might think, it is a serious genre of music. It's sort of within the vein of all those songs Led Zeppelin wrote about Lord of the Rings.

Anyway, a lot of these bands stopped releasing music after the last book came out, but it's still great music to listen to if you like Harry Potter. There's a ton of really talented artists who write music about Harry Potter and they deserve some respect. So, because I think Wrock is so great, I decided to make a list of my favorite Wrock songs. Here it is:

1) The Boy who Lived by Oliver Boyd and the Remembralls 
2) House Song by The Ministry of Magic
3) It's Not Half Bad by The Parselmouths 
4) Don't Leave by The Ministry of Magic
5) Transparent by The Moaning Myrtles
6) I Believe in Nargles by The Whomping Willows 
7) The Lightning Struck Tower by The Ministry of Magic
8) Lumos Flies by All Caps
9) Don't Wanna be a Death Eater by The Brothers Black
10) Lily by The Ministry of Magic
11) Post-Potter Depression by Lauren Fairweather 
12) Potions Yesterday by Draco and the Malfoys
13) Slytherin Night by Winterspringpro
14) Your Flying Car by The Whomping Willows
15) What Kind of Name is Hermione by The Parselmouths
16) The Foil (Draco Malfoy) by Harry and the Potters 
17) Snape Vs. Snape by The Ministry of Magic
18) And Then I Died by The Moaning Myrtles
19) My Dad is Rich by Draco and the Malfoys
20) House of Awesome Theme Song by The Whomping Willows
21) Ginny Gets Around by Gred and Forge
22) Accio Love by The Ministry of Magic
23) Save Ginny Weasley from Dean Thomas by Harry and the Potters 
24) Disembodied Head by Draco and the Malfoys
25) We Save Ron's Life, Part 8 by Harry and the Potters
26) The Bravest Man I Ever Knew by The Ministry of Magic
27) Broomstick by Draco and the Malfoys
28) Goodbye Privet Drive by The Ministry of Magic  
29) Just a Hufflepuff by Oliver Boyd and the Remembralls 
30) Gryffindor Rally Cry by The Ministry of Magic

Note: the only reason Gryffindor Rally Cry is last on the list is because I'm a Slytherin; I actually think it's quite a good song (shh! Don't tell).

Just sayin'


  1. Oh Wrock how I love thee! You should check out End Of An Era by Oliver Boyd, Alone on Valentines Day, Maybe Tomorrow, and Looking For Trouble by The Remus Lupins, and anything by MC Kreacher! Those are my favs along with MoM, of course.


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