I Have Issues with Lady and the Tramp

I don't know if any of you have seen the Disney movie Lady and the Tramp in this century, but as a person who saw it for the first time a few months ago, I have some major issues with this film. It isn't just that pasta is undoubtedly unhealthy for dogs and that mutt gangs roam the streets, no, its the ending that really gets me.

For those of you who don't know, during the end sequence of Lady and the Tramp, Lady spots a rat sneaking into the house, presumably to hurt Jim and Darling's baby, but is unable to get inside due to the visiting aunt, the Siamese cats, and their really annoying song which I'm sure we all remember. So, Lady goes to the Tramp for help and they break into the house, the Tramp then proceeds to fight with and kill the rat, although he injures his paw in the process. The aunt then takes the Tramp to the pound, from which Jim and Darling must rescue him when they return home.

Now, I'm sure you all see the issue with this turn of events, but let me the first to point out that it's a rat! A rat! The Tramp is either a really small dog or mutant rodents are poised to invade our homes. In a fight between a rat and a dog, the dog always wins, period! In that same vein of thought, let's be real here, what was the rat going to do to the baby? Eat it? Kill it? And, furthermore, why is the rat interested in the baby in the first place. Is he an assassin rat? Does he have a vendetta against all human kind? I used to watch Pinky and the Brain on Cartoon Network, so I know that the mice have a plan to take over the world, but this is a rat we're talking about. Come on Disney! Do your research! And then, the coup de grace of all accuracy, Lady shows Jim and Darling the dead rat in the baby's room and they instantly understand what happened.  How does dead rat translate to better go save the Tramp from the pound? They've never even met the Tramp. I'm assuming that Disney's justification for this is that Lady has a telepathic relationship with her owners. I wouldn't know about such things, I don't have a dog.

Just Sayin'


  1. To all those asking "what would the rat do to the baby?"

    Well, a big rat is perfectly capable of killing (and sometimes eating) an infant child. It's happened all throughout history. Rats aren't as harmless as they seem, if you think you have them in your house, exterminate them right away!

  2. Rats, particularly in the 1890's, carried diseases.
    They were mostly likely afraid of rabies and the rat biting the baby.
    (Plus, rats aren't fussy about what's for dinner, but they apparently do like human blood)
    Also, it's clear that Jim Dear and Darling understand Lady's actions(as seen when she's frantically barking; Aunt Sarah thinks Lady's a threat while Jim Dear knows she's trying to get their attention)

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  5. hi my name is David and i liked the part when Tramp Killed The Rat

  6. Well, think about how Tramp ended up at the pound. If it was because the aunt had called them, then it doesn't sound so far-fetched that she may have told Jim and Darling about it (of course, not so much with concern for the dog, but more to express her distress). And in times when food is scarce, like any or all animals, they're pretty much willing the most surprising things. They're pretty smart too, and depending on the species and region, vary in different sizes, even growing to the size of a small dog.

    Sewer rats are also definitely not as tame as regular house mice!


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