A Hole in My Heart Where My Wisdom Teeth Used to Be

I had my wisdom teeth removed two Octobers ago, yet, I mourn them every day. Yes, I know that if I had left them in all of my teeth would have gotten pushed together (quite painfully, I might add). Yes, I know that a lot of people get their wisdom teeth removed. And yet...they have left a hole (literally, as there are now giant pits in my mouth where the surgeon had to dig out my teeth - pleasant mental images right?). I am not a complete person anymore. A complete person has 32 teeth, I have...whatever 32 minus 4 is. I think it's 28. At least I have my tonsils - and my appendix.

Yes, it is all very sad. Also, surgery is weird; afterwards, I bought a snail - I think that should tell you something. I did, however, get to eat lots of ice cream. So, that made it all worth while. Not to mention, I had a bruise from my IV for FOREVER. Just kidding, but, actually, you can still kind of see the mark. So, I guess what I'm trying to say is that teeth are important - also, ice cream; ice cream is important. Plus, if you get your wisdom teeth out, as my friend Kira is fond of mentioning, your face swells up ridiculously. Seriously, I was like a chipmunk.

And then there's the pain meds. Oh, the pain meds. They didn't even work! I still felt like - well, I still felt like someone cut open my gums and tore out my teeth and sewed it up again. Which, of course is EXACTLY what happened. But on the up side, I've never slept so much or been apt to ramble on about goldfish.

Now I know how Koala bears feel - although, for koalas, I think it's because they're technically stoned all the time. Just sayin'. 


  1. When I got mine out, I got a dry socket the day after. Blood everywhere... and pain. Lots and lots of pain.

  2. The mouth can only hold 28 teeth, so you can still consider yourself a complete person even without your wisdom teeth. But anyway, just think of the good things that happened after the surgery. Now, you are less prone to infections and other serious problems that wisdom teeth can cause. On a lighter note, the best thing about this experience is the ice cream. :D

    Landen Worley

    1. Yes, the ice cream was very good :)

      I didn't know the mouth can only hold 28 teeth; that makes a lot more sense now.



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