CATA Bus Adventures

So, for you guys who don't live where I live, the CATA bus is a system of buses that take you places in my town. Most of the time, it costs $1.50 each way, but there are four routes that are free: the white loop, the blue loop, the green link, and the red link. And let me tell you, they are a horrible temptation.

So, the other night, my friend Megan and I decided to go to Panera for dinner. Now, Panera is down town, about 10 to 15 minutes away from my dorm, but we were feeling tired and lazy so we decided to take the bus. We were waiting for the blue loop to take us to Panera when what should roll up but the red link. Naively, we assumed that all four free routes went down town so we got on. We were wrong.

The red link does NOT go down town, it goes to the hospital, then to Innovation park, then to West Campus; which, for those of you who don't know, is no where near downtown. Long story short, we rode the bus in a loop in an attempt to get down town, that is until the bus driver was like "uh...the bus goes out of service here." We ended up walking to Panera and getting there almost an hour after we left.


So, apparently you cannot ride the CATA bus in a loop.

That would be all well and good, except that this isn't even the first time this has happened to me. Every now and then, I get the idea into my head that it's a good idea to ride the CATA bus in a loop and see where it goes. Sort of like a curiosity killed the cat complex.

Like once, when I was ten or eleven, I was on the bus with one of my friends, my baby sitter, and her six-month-old daughter. We were riding the bus downtown, but, when we got there, we decided to stay on the bus and see where it went. We ended up stranded at the CATA bus station, which is near a Honda dealership, beside a road, next to nothing, in the middle of NOWHERE.

So, you'd think I'd have learned my lesson. Nope. Next week is the green link. Some people experiment in college by going to frat parties - we ride the CATA bus.

Just sayin'


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