I Have an Eyeshadow Problem

So, today I watched Jenna Marbles' new video on YouTube in which she discusses her lack of understanding of her own gender and her addiction buying lip gloss, shampoo, and cosmetics in general. I was feeling pretty good about myself because hey, I'm no addict, I don't have a problem. With lip gloss. Yes, I must confess, I am an eyeshadow addict.

It started out innocently, with two palettes of normal, every day eyeshadow colors. But slowly, it has spiraled out of control. I mean, how many eyes do I think I have? Two? Because I'm pretty sure that I have enough eyeshadow to cover every eyelid on planet earth - and some on the planet mars. I cannot go into a store that sells eyeshadow without coming out with a least one new color. Of course, like any addict, I justify this to myself: Oh, it's on sale, I would be stupid not to buy some, or, it's a powder, so it never goes bad, so I might as well, or my favorite: I don't have this color yet. News flash to me: I have eyeshadow in every color known to man and in some known to bumble bees. My excuse for this is that I like to have eyeshadow to match my outfits. So basically, I have to have a color to match every piece of clothing I own.

And I keep buying more! The 'match your eye color' eyeshadows are the worst, because (and this should be its own blog), I don't really know what color my eyes are. Some days, my eyes are hazel, other days, they look green, and sometimes they're brown. So, basically, what this means is that I need to buy the green, hazel, and brown eyeshadow palates. Such a sacrifice, I know.

What's worse is that, after I buy it, I rarely even use it. Sure, I wear eyeshadow every day, but my wardrobe is fairly monochromatic, so I mostly use blues, silvers, and the occasional purple. When I went to college, I sorted through my makeup bag and took out all the eyeshadows I didn't use very often so that I didn't have to haul it all to the dorms. So, basically what it comes down to is that there is a big bag of eyeshadow at home and yet, every time I go to a store that sells makeup, I make a beeline for the eyeshadow. Jenna Marbles is right, I really have no comprehension of my life decisions.

Upon further reflection, I have decided that the reason that I buy so much is because, when the zombie apocalypse happens and I have to barricade myself in my house and can't go to the store,  I want to have a life time supply of eyeshadow in case my eyes, you know, become un-shadowed or something (which,  in the case of the zombie apocalypse is probably enough eye shadow for twenty to thirty days because, let's face it, I'm not outdoorsy enough to be one of those survivor people).

Plus,  you know, you gotta look pretty when the zombies are feasting on your brains and stuff.

Just sayin'


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