Why W is the Best Letter: The Alphabet Motorcycle Gang

So, as any good English major should, I get really upset when people under value the letter W. For some reason, people are constantly under-pronouncing the letter W in words. It's a very important letter for the English language. Think about it, without the letter W, we wouldn't have words like 'word' or 'who' or 'what' or 'Wednesday' (and you all know how I feel about Wednesday). Also, speaking phonetically, the W sound is produced by an voiced bilabial glide, and doesn't that just sound cool?

Like, I have this one friend who just refuses to pronounce the W in the words 'drawer' and 'dwarf'. And I'm all like, I'm not sure if you know this, but W is actually the best letter. It upsets me so much! English, as a language, is super frustrating because most words have letters that aren't supposed to be pronounced. But I cannot think of a single instance of a word that contains a W in which the W is not supposed to be pronounced (comment if you can). So, for goodness sake, pronounce the W! Like, I know that most people don't pronounce the W in 'drawer', but I do because I just have so much respect for the letter W.

I mean, seriously, you have to respect W. Think about it, It hangs out at the end of the alphabet with X and Z and all of those other crazy letters. Like, if there was going to be an alphabet motorcycle gang, it would pretty much be W, X, Z, and maybe Y (I'm not quite sure if Y is tough enough to run with Z, after all, it does stand for yak). But, in all seriousness, you don't want to tangle with the alphabet motorcycle gang. Especially because you don't want to mess with X. No one can ever tell what an X is going to do. One day X is for xylophone, the next day it's for xenon or Xavier. Crazy stuff.

But in any case, have some respect for the letter W.

Just sayin'


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