What Does the Fox Say: An Interview with a Fox

So, the other day I heard someone listening to the song 'What Does the Fox Say'. Now, this song annoys me on a number of levels, but the most irritating thing about this song is that they never come to a consensus about what the fox says. I mean, what is the point of a song called 'What Does the Fox Say' if you never actually find out what it says? It's so annoying!

So, after some reflection, I decided that it was time to actually find out what the fox says. So I decided to conduct an interview with a local fox and get his thoughts on the issue. This is what he had to say:

Me: All right, let's get right to the heart of things. What do you think of the song 'What Does the Fox Say'?

Mr. Fox: What do I think of it? What do I think of it? I don't know what to think! I mean, they make me sound like a total moron! I'm considering suing for libel. Like, 'ring-ding-ding'? I don't even know what that means! I can't even show my face at the Coyote Conventions anymore; they all think I'm some sort of babbling idiot!

Me: So you think that this song has somewhat damaged your standing in the woodland community?

Mr. Fox: Where do I even begin. I'm running for office next month and the whole thing has just blown up in my face. Smoky Bear has even started using it in his campaign aids against me!

Me: Really?

Mr. Fox: Yeah! Like they'll show a clip of Smoky talking about wildfires and then they'll play part of that song. Then James Earl Jones comes in and says 'that's what Mr. Fox had to say, who would you rather have speaking for you in Bambi's forest council?'.

Me: So you feel that this isn't a fair election.

Mr. Fox: No, it absolutely is not! That's so like a bear too. I mean, bears have Yogi and Winnie the Pooh; don't they have enough? I can't even tell you what they've done to the price of honey. The whole economy is in shambles over it.

Me: That sounds rough.

Mr. Fox: It is! The whole thing is totally degrading. I feel like I'm some sort of animal or something.

Me: So you feel like you're being treated like second class canines?

Mr. Fox: That's exactly how I feel! I think people look at me different now. The other day a couple of robins came up to me and started singing. Hatee-hatee-hatee-ho! That's totally obscene. I mean, my kids were with me and everything! I've never felt so discriminated against.

Me: Wow. How do you respond to those sorts of incidents?

Mr. Fox: Well, I ate those two birds afterwards.

Me: Interesting....well, we're almost out of time, but I have one more question: if you could speak to the world about this song, what would you say?

Mr. Fox: Well, I guess I would just say that it's an incredibly hurtful song and that it in no way represents fox culture. I just want to tell everyone that I'm a person too and this sort of slander isn't okay. Like, I have feelings and thoughts too; I even write poetry.

Me: You write poetry?

Mr. Fox: I do. Actually, I'm poet laureate of the forest. I wrote this just the other day:
Oh little mouse, little mouse,
You taste so delicious in my mouth,
I like to crunch your bones
Because they taste like popcorn. 
Yum, yum, yum. 
Yesterday you were alive,
But now you're in Fox's tum. 

Me: Thanks for sharing that.


So next time you're listening to 'What Does the Fox Say' take a minute to think about how the fox feels.

Just sayin'


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