The Best Justin: Bieber vs. Timebrlake

So, I recently read this article about Justin Bieber and I have to say, I never quite realized how much I  disliked him. I mean, up until this point, he was sort of a minor annoyance in my life, like Canadian pennies and one way streets. Like, until I read up on his arrest record, I had no idea how much bad stuff Biebs was up to. Like, egging someone's house? What is this middle school? But all kidding aside, DUIs, ordering your body guards to beat up paparazzi, and harassing flight attendants are all pretty serious stunts. I know I may take some hate for this opinion, but even if you like Bieber's music, you have to admit he's messed up pretty seriously lately, and there's no excuse for breaking the law. Like, because he looks like he's twelve years old, I think people forget that he's a menace to society.

Anyway, the point is, Bieber is ruining the good name of celebrity Justins. Like seven years ago, if you said the name Justin in reference to a celebrity everyone knew you were talking about Justin Timberlake. Now, if you're like 'did you hear Justin's new song', everyone has to ask Bieber or Timberlake. As a die-hard, not-ashamed-to-say-it Justin Timberlake fan, this offends me very deeply. How can you even mention Timberlake in the same sentence as Bieber. Like, if you like Bieber, that's your porogative, but leave JT out of it. So, I decided to make a list of reasons why I like JT better than JB.

1) Music. Now, I know that music, like all art, is very subjective, so I don't want to devalue anyone's opinion if they think that Bieber's music is good, but have you heard Bieber's music??? Like, I cringe every time it comes on the radio. I know that, in a lot of people's opinions (not my opinion, lets be clear), NSYNC wasn't much better than Bieber is now, but JT's music has matured so much since then. I mean, you have to admit to yourself, you get teary whenever Mirrors comes on the radio.

2) Justin Timberlake brought sexy back. Doesn't anyone remember that????? (Also for the record, Sexy Back > Backstreet's Back, because NSYNC never left)

3) Justin Timberlake is more than just a singer. He also acts; I mean, he was in Shrek and Friends with Benefits. Don't tell me you're not a little bit impressed. Besides, he's also an excellent dancer and I hear he plays a mean round of golf. Golf is a tough game; I'm impressed.

4) Justin Timberlake adopts rescue dogs. Justin Bieber, on the other hand, abandons monkeys in Germany. Oh yeah, I went there. I mean, how do you forget a monkey? That's practically like forgetting a baby! Who let Justin Bieber have a monkey anyway? He's clearly not responsible enough to own a monkey; maybe he should try Sea Monkeys instead. 

5) Justin Timberlake has never been arrested, which is always a positive thing. Like, that may be a little bit of a low blow to Bieber, but come on, his mug shot was so funny!

A Gem from JT Does Things
6) Justin Timberlake is an out and out nice guy. To be clear, I'm not saying that Bieber isn't a nice guy. But whenever I see an interview with JT, I'm always impressed with how down to earth and sweet he is. He's always so polite and gentlemanly. I mean, I know it could be all an act, but I have a feeling that he's a genuinely nice guy. He just seems so great and sincere, and you can always tell when celebrities are being fake nice. Not to mention, he always seems to be doing nice things for his fans. Plus, I'm pretty sure he's been interviewed by Ellen DeGeneres more than any other person living today, and they have the cutest relationship.

7) Justin Timberlake Does Things is probably the best thing on the internet. I mean, I know it doesn't have anything to do with Justin Timberlake himself, but it just makes me <3 him even more.

Just sayin' 


  1. Anyone who brings sexy back is the best kind of hero. Also, seriously, no one should let JB have a monkey; that's animal cruelty!


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