My Fish are at Summer Camp

Four years ago, I acquired a fish tank. A good fish tank is important, as any fish will tell you. That's why this blog's URL is IHaveAFishTank. Fish, I should say guppies because a gold fish is a horse of a different color, are very complex little animals. They require a lot of looking after. For example, every morning you have to look through the glass and tell them very sternly not to eat their young. They do it anyway, but I like to think that they do it less frequently than they otherwise would. It's exhausting.

Anyway, because fish are so complicated and require so much attention, I decided to send my fish to summer camp for two months. Well, it's not really summer camp. I had my fish tank at home for the last two years because I couldn't have fish in my college residence. But having my fish at home is no longer an option and I can't have them at my college residence, so they're staying with my dear friend MeganKPJ for two months until I can move them into my new residence.

It's all rather complicated.

At first, I had my fish boarding at another friend's house, but that didn't work out so well. There was a rather unfortunate incident with a rather hungry cat that significantly reduced the population of my fish tank. They're staying with MKPJ now because she doesn't have any cats, although she does have four dogs that like to bark.

So, they're not exactly at summer camp, but its sort of the same thing. The only thing that's missing is s'mores. You can't eat s'mores if you're a fish (which is why you should always be a unicorn if you have the choice), mostly because you can't cook them underwater and cooking s'mores in the microwave does not work (trust me, I've tried). I mean, it is summer time and they are away from home and they're trying to pull all sorts of practical jokes, like the Parent Trap. For example, last week, they purposefully clogged their filter and made their tank really cloudy and gross. I had to come over to MKPJ's house and reprimand them. They're cleaning up now.

They're also acting out and trying to get away with things that they wouldn't get away with at home. I'm not sure if they're just traumatized by the cat incident or if they just like to be naughty. I suspect it's a little bit of both. I don't know how I would cope if a house cat ate all my brother-cousins (the fish are rather inbred).

However, all cats aside, they're behavior has been completely unacceptable. For example, my algae eater, Joaquin, has been quite rude to everyone since he arrived at MKPJ's house. I don't approve. He was always a brooder, but lately his behavior has become completely unacceptable. As algae eater, its his job to keep the tank clean, but he's being completely obtuse about the whole thing. That's why the tank was able to get so dirty so quickly. I promised him a pineapple house if he behaves himself. I don't really think he deserves it, but It's made quite a difference in his attitude.

The moral of the story, I suppose, is that my fish weren't mature enough to go to summer camp by themselves. They just weren't ready for that sort of commitment; I suppose the water always looks grayer on the other side (obviously, fish are color blind). A fish tank owner's work is never done.

Just sayin'


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