Why Are There Prescriptions for Fish Meds?

So, if you know me, you'll know that I've recently been going through a fish crisis.

What's a fish crisis, you ask?

Well, a fish crisis is when you have a fish tank full of thirty, healthy guppies, you get one new guppy with a tiny little bit of bacteria on its scales, and all of the sudden you only have six guppies. Yeah. That's a fish crisis.

So, while I was frantically trying to avert mass guppy death, I did a lot of research on the internet about fish diseases (yes, I am that person), and decided that my guppies were afflicted by bacterial swim bladder disease, which is just as fun as it sounds. Basically, it makes your fish swim upside down until they die.

So, while I was reading all these fish enthusiast forums, all the fish experts were all like "yeah, if it's this disease do this and this and treat with a general antibiotic." Of course, my reactions to this was, they make antibiotics for fish? (I mean, I guess it makes sense since a lot of people make their livelihood by breeding fish for food and pets, but still!)

Anyway, long story short, I was like "wow, okay, this is great! Fish crisis averted!" So, I went to Petco and I was like "help! I need antibiotics for fish!" and they were like "do you have a prescription" and I was like "who gets a prescription for fish???" I mean, come on, they're FISH.

I mean, as much as I care about my fish, I am not going to go out and hunt down a fish veterinarian. But seriously, why are fish medications a controlled substance? One of my friends said that it's probably because people try to take them themselves. My response to that was "who would be so stupid????" I mean, with all the stuff you can buy online, why would you try to take fish medication? Not to mention that cough syrup is probably stronger.

But seriously, is there a fish vet? Where does one find a fish vet? Is that a thing that exists? How would one bring a fish to a vet? Do they have tiny little stethoscopes for fish? How do you take a fish's blood pressure? Do they set the fish down on little couches and put tongue depressors in their mouths? Are their flu shots for fish?

I think there needs to be some healthcare reform for the aquatic world.

Just sayin'


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