I am Opposed to the Month of February

I don't like February.

No, it's not because of the cold. No, it's not because of the snow. No, it's not because of Valentine's Day -- although, come to think of it, I don't like any of those things either.

No, it's because of the nonsensical spelling of the name of the month. I have a longstanding and well documented opposition  to the illogical rules of the English language, however, February is a particularly egregious example.


What? Why is it spelled that way? Who came up with that?? I'm not exactly sure who standardized spelling in the English language, but that person was clearly unaware that 99.9% of all English speakers pronounce February FEB-U-AIR-E not FEB-RUE-AIR-E. Maybe I just come from a part of the country where people pronounce things incorrectly, but pronouncing the first R just sounds super weird to me. Apparently there's some debate about the pronunciation, but I've never met someone who pronounced the first R.

I think I didn't know how to spell February until I was like eleven because I refused to believe that any word could be spelled in such a ridiculous, nonsensical way. I probably shouldn't have been surprised though because English is the same language that spells through T-H-R-O-U-G-H. That should be pronounced TH-ruff. Like, what? So, if you're going to spell February with you Rs, why stop there? Why not spell it Phebruary. Ph makes an F sound right? Why not throw a G or a W into the word.

February already has leap day, why are we even trying with this month? February is the equivalent of a  Ferris Wheel rolling slowly towards the sea, it's unhinged and out of the norm. Did you know that February used to not even be a month? In Roman times, it was just a block of left over days at the end of the year. Later, someone was like "eh, we've got some days here, let's turn them into a month or something." Fix the spelling of February or lets all just give up on this ridiculous month.

Just sayin'


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