People are Too Judgmental of Ketchup: In Which I Aggressively Defend Condiments

So, the other day I was bored and I got to the corner of YouTube where there are weird, click-baity videos with titles like "What the Thickness of Your Ankles Says About You (Shocking!)" (spoiler alert: I was not shocked). Anyway, I stumbled upon a video about how ketchup is banned in France because it ruins the taste of French food. First of all, let me say that the French eat frogs and snails, and the only thing that would make those swamp creatures mildly palatable would be smothering them in ketchup. Second of all, I just want to announce that I'm tired of the war on ketchup. First they came for mayonnaise and I said nothing because I don't really care about mayonnaise, but now they're coming for ketchup, and I'm not taking that lying down. Move over because I'm about to aggressively defend all condiments.

Like, when did it become cool to hate on ketchup -- is that the hip thing for kids to do these days? Even the girl who was presenting the ketchup video -- who was from California -- said something to the effect of "I kind of agree with them because ketchup is basically pure sugar and people think it's a vegetable and it's really not and it's really bad for you and blah blah blah."

My response to that is: "yeah, what's your point?" Of course ketchup has sugar in it! That's why people like it!!! That's the purpose of ketchup! It's a sauce that masks the taste of other food with sweet, vinegar-y goodness. This may be shocking, but this is not the first blog I've written about ketchup. About three years ago, I wrote a blog about all the things I eat with ketchup. My thesis in this blog is simple: ketchup makes everything taste 1000% better. Do you know what makes things taste better? S-U-G-A-R!

Anyway, I think people are being too judgmental of ketchup. Like, go find so doughnuts to criticize  and leave my ketchup alone! (Actually, don't criticize doughnuts, they're wonderful). But, the point is, ketchup is delicious and it makes other things taste delicious.  That's ketchup's job and ketchup is just being a good, culinary employee. Does ketchup need to apologize for containing some added sugar? Because, if it does, then all food needs to apologize because 95% of the stuff at the grocery store has added sugar. So, I have news for you, if you're concerned about ingesting the microscopic amount of sugar in the tablespoon and a half of ketchup that you're dipping your McNuggets in, you have no real problems in your life. (I say, as I take time out of my life to complain about people who complain about ketchup). I mean, maybe if you were drinking ketchup, it might be a health concern, but if you're just using it to dip a couple of fries, I think you'll live.

If you want a food with no added sugar, go to France and eat a snail.

Just sayin'


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