Animals Are People Too

Warning: This post originated from another of my failed English 15 essay ideas.

So, it kind of bothers me when people use the words "human" and "person" interchangeably; it's so species-ist!  I mean, sure all humans are people, but not all people are human. Animals are people too.

Think about it, a person is any living being that can be rearguard as an individual, with the capacity for intelligence and emotion (and no, I did not get that definition from the dictionary). So, by those standards, animals are people too. Plus, humans are animals so it's already been proven that animals can be people, right?

Take apes for example, they're really smart, they use tools and stuff, they live in family groups. Let's be real here, the only difference between humans and gorillas is amount of body hair and the whole talking thing; talking is kind of important, but, I'm pretty sure apes would talk if they had the right vocal cords. I mean, as it is, we already know that some apes can talk because of that gorilla in George of the Jungle. Granted, that gorilla was like a genius or something, but, come on, he had his own show in Los Vegas for crying out loud!

Also, as much as I dislike dolphins, I have to say that they're people too. We know from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy that dolphins are the second most intelligent creatures on the planet (after mice, that is - let's not overlook mice, we've all seen Cinderella, so don't tell me Gus Gus is not a person). They've even got the talking thing down (don't pretend you don't know what all that annoying squeaking is about).  But, just because they're people, doesn't mean I have to like them. I just can't get past the fact that they abandoned the planet when it was about to be bulldozed in So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish. Et tu, Flipper?

This proves my point; youtube doesn't lie:

So, don't be a species-ist. Animals are people too. Just sayin'.


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