Girl Issues

Let's be real here, it is way more difficult to be a female than it is to be a male. I mean, think about it, girls have to do a  ton of grooming, plucking and shaving and straightening hair, and kotex and tampons and makeup really add up in expenses. Plus, women didn't get the vote in the US until like 1920, I mean, come on America. But, enough with the whining.

There are definitely a ton of pluses to being a girl. Girls never have to kill bugs, open jars, or lift heavy things. Plus, except for boys under the age of 13, no one, except girls, has the power of the pout; I mean, all I need to do is give someone the puppy dog eyes and I almost always get my way. But, the best thing about being a girl is definitely nail polish.

Let me just preface this by saying that I am a nail polish freak. Whenever I go to Wal-Mart, Target, or CVS I head straight for the make up section. Wet n' Wild Fast Dry is my favorite brand, its relatively cheap and the names are too funny. Sometimes I just sit down on the floor in the store and pull a bunch of them off the  shelf to read the names. I own Sagreena the Teenage Witch, Saved by the Blue, the Gold and the Beautiful, and Buffy the Violet Slayer, among other colors. I also like Sally Hansen Complete Salon Manicure (Back to the Fuchsia and Right Said Red). LOL.

Yes, we may not have equal pay or the ability to tote around heavy furniture, but, by golly, are women lucky to have nail polish.


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