Productivity Problems

I have issues with productivity. Well, to be more accurate, I have issues with distractions and procrastination and pretty much everything else that ends with tion. Every now and then, I sit down to, you know, read a book or do some homework or organize my math notes. Granted, I start out strong: I have a burst of activity, I'm on fire, I'm an English-paper-drafting machine! But then, the internet happens.

Oh, internet, you are the cause of my productivity problems. The very existence of this blog is proof of the internet's power over me. There are so many things I could be doing right now; I could be working ahead in my math homework, learning to speak Swahili, or reading to blind chimps in Tanzania. Instead, I'm sitting here, listening to Pandora, writing a blog, because I cannot stand to be in the presence of a compute without getting on the internet.

It's not like I'm getting on good, educational sites either. Usually, I'm on Youtube, Wikipedia, Facebook or Etsy. Wikipedia is probably the most useful website ever invented (they have such comprehensive articles on Harry Potter!) but the real adversary in my productivity battle is Etsy. I get on Etsy and whole hours - scrap that, whole days - just disappear. It's a real problem for me. And yet, 75 minutes of math class goes on for forever! Side note: If that's relativity, I  understand exactly what Einstein meant. Etsy is the place I go to look at a lot of really, really expensive things and wish I had money. I thought that Amazon did a really good job of that, but, as it turns out, Etsy does it like 10 times better. I mean, who knew that you could buy a tardis apron for only three small payments of 28.33?

Not me. Maybe I'll go do some homework now...or maybe I'll search random stuff on Wikipedia. Just sayin'.


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