Columbus Day is Not a Real Holiday

So, apparently today is Columbus Day - I had no idea until 5 minutes ago. But, in my defense, Columbus Day is not a real holiday.

Let's think about this for a moment; the only reason Columbus is famous is that he discovered America. Except that he didn't actually discover America. I mean, firstly, there were ALREADY people in America - I mean, I'm pretty sure they weren't wandering around going "gee, I hope someone discovers us today". But, so what, Columbus was the first European to arrive in America - said no one ever. Actually, I'm pretty sure that Leif Ericson was the first European in America. I know this is true because it was on Spongebob; but actually, I learned it from Wikipedia like a real college student (just kidding, Spongebob would never lie to me).

Vikings are cool

Secondly, classes aren't canceled for Columbus Day; so I don't see the point. In my mind, unless it's a free day it's not a holiday (sorry, President's Day, I'm demoting you too). Seriously though, if you take all that away, Columbus is just a dead Italian guy in a funny hat who sucked at math (or a city in Ohio). Therefore, Columbus Day is not a real holiday. I would, however, be open to the concept of Leif Ericson day - as long as I get to wear the awesome helmet.

Vikings are cool.

Just sayin'


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