⌘F for Books

In history class we're working on a group project on Greek and Egyptian mythology and we're not allowed to use websites as sources, so we have to use books. At first, I was like "no big deal - I read books all the time". Wrong: I read novels all the time. Books are different, books are scary. I had a time in the library yesterday with my group.

I mean, I don't know how people did things without the internet! Doing research with books is hard - and that's with the internet telling me what I'm supposed to be looking for. First, we had to find the books, which is a lot harder than it sounds because the PSU library in HUGE. I had to go into the stacks - with all narrow little rows of books and the lights on timers and the tick-tick-tick until you run out of time and the ceilings so low you stoop a little bit to go through the doors. I realized something yesterday, I have NO comprehension of the dewy decimal system. I was looking for a book in the 50s, but it took me like ten minutes to realize that I was in the 500s section. And, while I was looking through the books, I kept thinking that life would be so much easier if there was some sort of search engine for books and then I realized that I had just described Google Books.

And I had tremendous appreciation for the internet.

But anyway, after we found all the books we had to open them up and read them. I mean, how else are you supposed to find the information you're looking for without ⌘F? I tried the index, but even if you turn to the right page, it takes a while to see what you were trying to find. That's if you turn to the right page. I spent like fifteen minutes reading over the same two pages like a billion times, looking for stuff about Zeus before someone pointed out that there were like five pages missing. Well then. Props to anyone out there, who went to school/college before Google was invented. I'm very, very sorry.

You know it's 2012 when you're reading a book and you glance up at the top of the page for the toolbar.

Just sayin'


  1. Google reader isn't for reading books. that's Google books, just sayin'. Also this is weak, I expect better from you. You and your English degree in waiting. FOR SHAME!


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