People on Bikes will be the Death of Me

I like Penn State; all my classes are withing walking distance and Creamery ice cream is included as part of my meal plan, what more can a person want? But someday, maybe not today and maybe not tomorrow, this campus will be the death of me; I give you one reason: people on bikes.

For those of you unfamiliar with PSU University Park, let me be the first to tell you that it's frickin' infested with bikes. I mean, I can't step out of my dorm without getting almost plowed over by someone on their bike who decided that cycling down our sidewalk (which is basically 2 inches wide) was a good idea. And forget about crossing the street, everywhere there are bikes, making wide turns and cutting off people who are trying to make it to biology in under 15 minutes and weaving in and out between cars like they're training for the Olympics. It's like WHOA, you have a bike, so you're moving significantly faster than me, so you have enough time to calm down and look where you're going and not totally obscure the cross walk. Please! Plus, I don't know if you've noticed this, but bikes travel in packs. If you have to wait for one bike to pass you before you cross the street, you might as well get comfortable, because you're going to have to wait for five.

Don't get me wrong; I'm all for bikes - I understand that cycling is a good form of exercise and it's ecologically sound and you can get places really fast, but, I beg of you, do not throw all caution to the wind! I mean, do you know how many times I've seen people cycling straight down the middle of  Pollock Road. In no place and under no set of traffic laws is that a good idea, even in New Jersey. I think it's pretty well established that (in this country anyway - I can't speak for Canada) we drive on the right side of the road. It's like, you get halfway across the street, then you have to jump back three feet because two bikes are coming whizzing towards you, from opposite directions. That's just begging for some sort of car accident (granted, there aren't actually cars on Pollock Road because if Penn State is not the top jaywalking school in the country then I'm a centaur)!

I would almost rather that there were cars on the road because I can hear a car coming. I can't hear a bike; it's like all the sudden someone who wasn't there three seconds ago is coming at you at a million miles an hour (or however fast bikes go). And if you decide to go out and walk at night - well, let's face it, at night you're just going to die.

Just sayin'


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