The Food Hierarchy

Recently, I've noticed that my blog has been a little negative. I'm always talking about how I hate this and dislike that, so, today, I've decided to write a more upbeat blog about food.

Let's be real here, I love food. But, truth be told, I'm kind of a picky eater. I don't eat anything uncooked (unless it's chocolate mousse or no-bake pie), I am suspicious of unfiltered water, and I think corn causes cancer (just kidding about the corn, that was something I heard on NPR). I mean, some foods are just better than others. For example, ice cream is definitely at the top of my food hierarchy (and just to be clear, ice cream includes milkshakes and frozen yogurt), closely followed by pizza, Oreos, pop-tarts, easy mac, and grilled cheese, in that order (when I say grilled cheese, I mean the good grilled cheese with either Swiss or cheddar and white bread, none of that whole wheat nonsense). 

After that is a whole bunch of other stuff, including, but not limited to, apple sauce, fish sticks, rice, and those sour candies that used to come in wonder balls (man, do I miss the 90s). But, as you can see, none of my favorite foods are really very healthy. So, eating vegetables is always a struggle for me. Think about it, why do the foods that are bad for you taste so good and the foods that are good for you taste so bad? I mean, could it get any more oxymoronic? I think scientists should start working on a way to make broccoli taste like chocolate.

Never mind, I'm sure it's already been done and now the government is keeping it in some secret holding facility. That's the real purpose of Area 51. Just sayin'.


  1. The reason why they're not sharing it is because the government is getting kickbacks from snack food companies

  2. O.M.G. Alright I'm starting a coup. Let's hit up area 51.


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